Chargers Football
It's only appropriate for the match up between them and the Broncos today:
...If you think you are safe from me telling what happened...think again
It's only appropriate for the match up between them and the Broncos today:
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2:49 PM
Dear Tom from MySpace,
Can you please explain to me why some of the features you have on your site are no compatible with, hmmm I don't know, anything that is created by the wonderful people at Apple? I can only imagine that you are constantly creating and reinventing your social obsession on a iMac yourself so it is really beyond me as to why certain pages do not work on Macs and the interface for the iPhone is quite possibly the worst one in the history of the world. It is so not user friendly that I have decided to no longer use the feature or the site. How about that?
Well basically the only reason I use it to be honest is to feed my blog to people who have been reading it for years, but even they are smart enough to know where else to get it.
So this is my letter to you, Tom, who is popular because you are an internet celebrity due to the creation of a social website. Please think about reinventing the wheel and how to possibly out-do the people over at Facebook. I'm just saying for the greater good of the masses.
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10:57 AM
So I imagine that today, Monday, December 8th, would be a rather normal birthday work day that involved some birthday wishes from my friends, family, coworkers and retailers. Relatively normal right?
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5:52 PM
I not really sure why I get myself into situations where I think I can drink like a 21 year old again. I'm not in anyway close to being a college kid; I haven't been for years. So clearly being the stupid girl that I can sometimes be, I thought going out after our Christmas dinner with a few coworkers was a brilliant idea.
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4:13 PM
Friend Thanksgiving is an annual thing we do every year to bring all our friends together to celebrate another good year and to giggle hysterically at one another when they do something stupid. This year is no different.
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4:13 PM
After listening to the radio this morning, I felt it necessary that I read up on this article they mentioned in regard to being caught in a lie; mostly because there are some folks close to me that decide its a great life choice to try to pull one over on me. Whether it be a white lie or some utter bullshit to which you cannot even fathom how they created that in their little pea brain of theirs, it is a lie/crap regardless. And if you are going to try to lie to your friends, realize that odds are good they are smarter than you, and can see right through it.
So here is to you liars. Gather together and read up on how to stop being compulsive and start being truthful because, believe it or not, people will respect you a hell of a lot more.
The Do's & Don'ts After Being Caught in a Lie
When someone catches you telling what he/she knows is an untruth, it can be embarrassing as well as uncomfortable for both the liar and the lie's recipient. There is always that awkward moment where truth passes silently betwixt the two parties. It is in that moment that you (as the liar) should find the most appropriate way to deal with your misstep. So what do you do when your fib has been blatantly exposed for the world to see? Try some of this friendly advice:
"Do" #1 : Fess' Up- Admit right away that you have lied. Even if the truth is plainly visible in "black and white," the person to whom you have fibbed will appreciate the acknowledgment. In fact, most people will be more offended because they feel that their intelligence has been insulted, if you continue on in your charade.
"Do" #2 : Explain Yourself- After you've been found out, the next best thing to do is offer a little explanation. Perhaps the lie you've told is just a little white one. Or maybe it's a huge whopper of a story. Either way, a brief justification can do a world of good. For example, if you're planning a surprise party for your buddy and he/she catches you flubbing on your story and gets irritated, it would behoove you to admit the real reason for the misdeed(s). This is a rather benevolent example. But the point is that people sometimes will feel better if they understand the nature of your dishonesty.
"Do" #3 : Apologize- An apology can go a long way when it comes to mending fences with someone whom you have betrayed. The acknowledgment of a fib is certainly necessary. But expressing sincere regret for the attempt to fool someone is even better. Lying is one of those things that people find harmless justifications for. Whether or not the end justifies the means is a moot point when someone realizes that they've been duped.
(Pulled from Associated Content)
So a lesson to you liars. It is better to admit you are at fault and apologize for it. And to be honest, more often than not, you are lying to someone because you know they would call you out or tell you you know better, so instead of lying to them, pull your head out of your ass.
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10:38 AM
It has been kindly brought to my attention something that may interest you if you find it hysterical to read up on the dumb dicks and douche bags from
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11:27 PM