Monday, August 11, 2008

A Few Things

Since I decided to return to writing about pointless shit that you people love to read because you have nothing better to do (just admit it); I have been thinking about things to bring up, but I stopped after listening to the radio today because they gave me some ammunition.

1.  The new stamps released in April.  I don't know if any of you heard this, but the production of the stamps with the American Flag is wrong.  The flag has 14 stripes instead of 13.  Last time I checked, there were 13 original colonies, but in today's day and age, who says they can't rewrite history?  Apparently it was a production fault, but regardless - Are you serious?  

2.  AJ's Playhouse this morning:  I know many of you can't catch this morning show, and some people say you shouldn't, but seriously I hear some hilarious shit.  They had their token psychic medium on this morning and it was the speed round (yes or no calls only).  So this girl calls in and, I swear to god, asks "so I have a baby and I'm no longer with my baby daddy, but I am dating this new guy.  Should I try to have a baby with him soon too?"  Are you effing serious?  The psychic was already saying no before she was finished asking the question, granted I thought everyone in the studio/cars listening wanted to come through the phone and slap the girl.  Is that even a legit question?  Are you brain dead or just pathetic?  What is wrong with our society?

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