Monday, August 11, 2008

It's baaaaaaccccckk......

I know I know this has been very much anticipated, but I have officially decided to bring the blogs back - seriously this time.  I know I said it before but I figured I can do it again and really mean it this time.  Besides major sports figures retire and return after the off season - So I can too, granted I don't get paid millions of dollars a year, if I did - my assistant would be writing these.

Regardless, this time around they are probably going to be more entertaining and I'm going to do my best to protect the innocent.  I'm going to bring out the nicknames for everyone and if you don't like yours, don't do stupid shit so I call you that :)

After so many requests to bring them back, I feel like I should everyone that justice.  Get excited because this is only the beginning.....

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