The Story of Tiina
I know those of you close to me know this story in its entirety already, but it's always worth a good laugh to revisit it because, let's be honest, this shit is straight out of a tv show.
I was visiting the ex-bf in Huntington Beach (let's deem him HB) about a month or two ago with Julia because we all haven't seen each other in a while. We went out with his roommates and friends that night and had entirely too much fun. We came back and stayed at HB's house because it was closest and Julia and I were in no condition to drive.
HB and I have a weird relationship (always have) and so we have the tendency to act like we are dating when we hang out, even though we aren't. [side note: this only happens when we are both single] Regardless, Julia set up shop for sleeping in the living room and I went with HB to his room. Now we got a little bit frisky but nothing happened because we were both piss drunk and passed out sans clothing (it was hot, what?)
So I wake up at 5am that night and realize he isn't there next to me. Granted it didn't occur to me to think where he might be, instead I figure I should get dressed and check my cell phone. Glad I did because I had a hilarious text message that said the following: "Stay away from HB, next time I won't be so nice. Get your fat ass up now and leave whore" - Sent from his phone.
I start giggling and immediately go over to Julia - mind you who wakes up and says what's up like it was the most normal thing to occur on a Sunday morning at 5am - and show her. We both laugh and she mentions that she heard HB's brother and girlfriend fighting last night but wouldn't know why I would have this text or where HB may be.
After sleeping off a relatively decent hangover, we get up with HB's roommates and he is still no where to be found. Julia ask roommate if HB has a girlfriend that he didn't tell us about and he says no - so we tell him the situation and this is what happened really....
Apparently HB made the mistake of hooking up with younger sister's friend a few times. She then became obsessed with HB, regardless of how dumb they all thought she was/is. Since they all thought she was crazy, they wouldn't invite her over anymore nor let her come through the front door, she had to enter through the back gate if she did. The roommates hated her, but HB was nice because he knew she was crazy.
Her name is TIINA by the way, that's two II's, not a typo for the record, pronounced Tina but looks like Tuh-ee-na. So I guess Tiina likes to let herself in through the back gate via climbing cinder blocks (she purchased herself) that she strategically placed outside the gate so she can reach over and undo the latch. She then proceeds to let herself in through the sliding glass door - which leads to his room.
If we now remember I am in said room with HB - needless to say, Tiina was not happy camper. She flips out on him and he can only respond with "Shhh, quiet we don't want to wake Christiane. Let's go in the other room." She doesn't like that one bit and tries to attack me in my sleep. I don't hear any of this. I'm sad I didn't wake up because I could have laughed a lot, damn Jack and Diet. He pushes her into the hallway where is screaming uncontrollably, where he says "shhh let's go outside so we don't wake my roommates or Julia". Tiina doesn't like that Julia is there either as if you didn't know that was coming.
End all, HB leaves with her so she doesn't get the police called on their house.
Don't worry we all gave him a world of shit for this maneuver.
She came back the next day to check and make sure we were gone, we weren't. I can only imagine how that convo went.
I forgot to mention she is from the 909 - Ghetto
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