Monday, December 11, 2006

The Past Week

Update of what went on:

  • Thursday: Military dinner with 15 of my coworkers. Absolutely great until we all decided to go out afterward which led to a lot of debauchery. All I know is that I made it home safely, but I don't really know how. Damn you Rumpleminze - And you too Farmerstein.
  • Friday: HATED MY LIFE all day despite the fact it was my birthday. I was literally crawling all day long. It was terrible. I had a shot at lunch to clear up the headache, but to no avail. The 3 hour nap remedied that feeling so I could get absolutely shithoused again for my actually birthday with all my friends. Damn you Sake Bombs and Rumpleminze.
  • Saturday: Considering I blacked out the previous two nights I decided to take it easy. Berg tried to rally me, which he did to a point until I realized that was a terrible idea and immediately retreated to my bed. Great choice.
  • Sunday: Rallied my ass out of bed and got it together to attended the Charger game with Midget. Let's just say that my beer intake for a Sunday Funday was immense and I don't recommend trying to drink Red Bull vodkas after consuming said large amount of beer. Not to mention there is nothing worse than being awake when a hangover hits.
  • Monday: Today royally sucked. My head and stomach were turning for the better part of the day and I basically felt like shit. Nothing worked, not to mention that I woke up at 4am and couldn't fall back asleep because I had so much on my mind, and I felt like shit.

Not to mention, for those of you who don't know, I lost my grandfather on Nov 27th, my best friend Lia's grandfather on Friday, a friend from high school yesterday and my best buddy Jake (my dog at home) just now. It's been a rough week for me and these things haven't helped out...needless to say it's been a little crazy.

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