Monday, December 08, 2008

What a day - Of Birth

So I imagine that today, Monday, December 8th, would be a rather normal birthday work day that involved some birthday wishes from my friends, family, coworkers and retailers.  Relatively normal right?

That would be incorrect.

1.  I saw a plane crash.  How does that even happen?  I am sitting at the intersection by PF Chang's in La Jolla and I am staring off and see this big black thing fall from the air and black billowing smoke following shortly after it was out of sight.   Apparently a F-18 military training mission was taking place, engine trouble happened, and crashing ensued about a mile and half away from where I was stopped.

2.  After trying to see if I could get closer (yeah I'm that person.  It was a slow day), I was stopped on Genessee with a lady to the right of me flipping someone off for an excessive amount of time.  Long enough for me to get my camera out and get a photo.  Now being the jack ass  I can be sometimes, I managed to inch close enough up to be able to be side by side with her, roll down my window and honestly ask "high five?"  She then flipped me off.

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