Tuesday, October 21, 2008

America's Best Dance Crew Live

Have you ever been to an event/meeting/gathering where you didn't really fit in? Did it feel awkward, yet no one else, but the person you are with, noticed? That is basically the feeling I got going to see America's Best Dance Crew Live on Saturday night. Usually I wouldn't admit to going to such an event because, let's be honest, it's lame and you know you will immediately get made fun of. But since I have such a great sense of humor, I can rough this one out. Oh and let's throw Julia under the bus too because she commuted from Orange County to see it :)

Regardless, can we please talk about the people in attendance. Let's just say for those of you from San Diego, it was Mira Mesa meets Lemon Grove. If you aren't from here, shoot me a message and I'll fill you in. Needless to say, Julia and I stuck out like sore thumbs. We also sat in the back so no one would bother us, but low and behold two girls deemed it necessary to sit directly next to Julia because the three rows ahead and behind us that were completely empty apparently weren't sufficient.

The best part of the show is when the rap remix of the most mainstream songs came on and the 11 year old girl in front of us lost her shit. She acted like this was the high point of her life and started to have what looked like a seizure. I believe it was dancing but it was hard to tell. I thought her and her silver Dorothy shoes, leg warmers and teal leggings were the peak, but when Soulja Boy came on, her and the 30 something year old man across the aisle (she wasn't with him) busted out the dance like it was nobody's business. It was the most aggressive rendition of Soulja Boy I have ever encoutered. Julia and I were hypervenalating with laughter.

And if you haven't seen JBWKZ before - They are pretty entertaining and from San Diego, so, as you can imagine, the arena went ape shit over any performance they did. For those of you who aren't familiar with JBWKZ stands for Jabbawockeez; I am well versed in this nomanclature because I am now ABDC educated. Thank you Randy Jackson.

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