Monday, December 04, 2006

Plus and Minus

Weekend Recap:

Plus: I didn't have to work on Thursday or Friday.

Minus: I had to go home for not fun reasons.

Plus: I got to go home.

Minus: I now have a sore throat from going home for two weekends in a row.

Plus: I came back to SD Saturday.

Minus: It took me longer than anticipated. Damn you delayed flights.

Plus: I went out that night with T-Rex, Berg and his posse to the Silver Fox.

Minus: Didn't help the cough.

Plus: I scored an amazing amount of jager shots and an awesome tasting spicy hot dog with nacho cheese sauce from the hot dog guy outside. I highly recommend them.

Minus: It was effing freezing outside.

Plus: T-Rex fell over on the walk home due to retardation.

Minus: I lost my phone due to my excessive laughter which impaired my walking capability.

Plus: I found my phone in a driveway while retracing my steps.

Minus: Couldn't find a solid Hammy video upon my return.

Plus: Ran into the Gourmand's brother on the walk home at 330AM.

Minus: Totally forgot I had someone waiting on me and really upset him.

Plus: I slept until 100PM the following day.

Minus: It didn't really matter because my body couldn't move if it tried.

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