Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My Sister Tiff

So I called my sister Tiffany on Sunday morning after I picked up my car from downtown because I was possibly still drunk but I'm not that sure. This is the email she sends in return.

"Hello my Siiiister!!! So, why the phone call at 8:30am? I hope everything is alright. It sounded like a silly drunk the morning after call but I just want to check! I am at work and B-O-R-E-D! Ahhhhhh, 3 more hours to go! Anyway, main purpose of this little note is to see what your doing for Turkey Day! When will you be home? I have the whole week off but am going to Palm Springs until Wednesday, meaning I’ll be home that night. Get ready for some bubbly, I miss your dumb ass!

Love you Lots,

She knows me too well.

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