Fight or Flight?
I have come to terms there are a lot of people out there that could be potential "best friends" or "close friends," but to determine which person stands where, you have to figure out which ones you can trust. Trust is an interesting subject because it is something that should stand strong between friends no matter the situation. It is something that makes or breaks a friendship, but when broken it can be rekindled in someone else. It is a characteristic that you believe your closest friends to embrace, but sometimes they show you a different side. Sometimes they show you the person you didn't believe existed and that's when you know that person is not who you thought they were.
It happens to all of us. You live and learn with the people you have grown up, gone to school with, worked with and just randomly met along the way. The people you keep with you are the ones who walk beside you, not in front or behind. These are the important people that keep you together, pick you up when you fall, don't judge you and when you can't figure out for the life of you why you feel the way you do, they explain it to you in the simplest fashion possible. These are the people who fight for your friendship because it means something to them. They want to help you help yourself or have you help them. And it's all because they care. Those are the people you trust, keep close and don't let go.
Most recently, I have realized there are people that you believe to fit this description but when minor, more complicated (almost compromising), or not so positive situations arise, these people choose to not take responsibility for their own actions. They choose to let someone else take the blame because its easier; they don't know what's its like to take ownership. I feel we learned the concept ownership when we were children, for instance when Tommy hit Susie or when Becky pushed Johnny. Or didn't we?
Confrontation. Another component of functioning human life. It happens, you can't escape it. There are going to be situations, whether they be major or minor, that every person has to deal with, you can't run away. Fights are a natural part of existence; they teach your who you are, who your friends are, and bottom line, shows you who cares. Avoiding it just makes it worse. Lying just makes it worse. So why does it happen so often? Because it's an "easy" way out. I hate to break it to those of you who have yet to realize it, but it's not "easier", in fact, it makes its worse. Friendships develop fights, the trust barrier is broken and the situation can evolve into the friendship no longer exisiting. Is that what you want? Is that the positive outcome of you taking the "easy" road? I don't think so.
So I guess it comes down to the easiest question:
Fight or Flight?
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