Tuesday, May 30, 2006

What happened?

Can anyone please inform what happened on Sunday Funday? It was ridiculous. I can't even begin to explain everything that happened, but I will do my best to give you what I remember:

  1. We started the debauchary at 230PM at the Tavern for pitchers, which was ultimately a great choice because it was beautiful weather.
  2. We crashed a graduation party at Moondoggies because we heard it was open bar for about 2 hours. We schmoozed with the parents and all. Mind you, we are at our own table ordering round after round after round while the parents and all the sober graduates talk to each other.
  3. Tilt & Vodka was a good choice. Open bar was a great choice. Crashing a graduation party we weren't invited to, an even better choice.
  4. Again I jumped on the tequila train which almost immediately derailed right on the table. Drinking well tequila just because it's open bar is quite possibly the worst choice in the history of the world. Don't do it because things that look like this happen.

  1. Scooper opted to not drink anymore shortly thereafter. She didn't really tell us, but moreso just passed out right at the table. I commend thee.
  2. About an hour later she was thrown out, so Pooper and I took her back. Btw there is nothing better than when your account's manager comes up to you and asks you to remove your friend from the property, as if the bar itself wasn't enough : )
  3. For whatever reason, Pooper and I thought since it was only 10PM we should go back to Moondoggies.
  4. Great idea because she got thrown out after being there for about 45 min to an hour.
  5. Btw, the Pit left me the best message on MySpace today. "I just got three words for you, tequila." Amazing. The Pit everyone...

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