Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Apparently it is brotha day on MySpace for Stinky because I have just received three random messages from brothas who want to be my friend. I use the term "brotha" in the most friendly way possible for the record. These are the messages:

Hey, whats up? I'm trying to make something happen in the music industry. If you don't mind take some time out and listen to my music and leave a comment on the song telling me what you think. It doesn't matter if its negative because I love constructive criticism. Thanks Bogard

hello there gorgeous, how are you doing, my name is Usher, i am a tall attractive brotha from mission valley, originally from brooklyn, i am also a marine here in san diego, just wanted to know if you are attracted to brotha's? Usher

can i add you sexy?

Big day for Stinky. Riiiiiiight....


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