The Most Ridiculous Shit
Tonight, as I am driving home from work, I let the car coming at me with the right of way turn to his right and then I follow, just wanting to go home. Turns out it's a police officer, so no biggie right? Wrong. He pulls over and I pass him, and to my surprise, he turns on his lights to follow me. Mind you I have had half a beer since 7 and it is now 11:30PM.
First words out of my mouth, "Oh for fuck's sake, what is this about?" He comes over and asks for ID and tells me to get out of the car. For what, I'm thinking because I clearly haven't done anything wrong. This is how the situation plays out:
Cop: Go to the back of your car, do you see anything?
Me: Yes, I see a bumper, some lights, a trunk and the back of a car.
Cop: Anything else?
Me: A license plate?
Cop: Can I get in your car? [I say yes]
Cop: What happens when I push this button?
Me: The small light on the left side goes off.
Cop: Ok then. You can't have your back fog lights on if there is no fog.
Me: Are you serious? I didn't even know I had back fog lights.
Cop: Do you have a manual?
Me: My parents bought this car for me 7 years ago from a family friend. No I don't.
Cop: Well I suggest you get one and look over it to see what everything does.
So he tells me to get back in my car and he goes back to his with my ID. I look in the rear view mirror and the freakin guy is writing me a ticket. What the fuck for? He comes back and tells me he is giving me a citation because I was driving with a back left fog light on without cause. Are you freakin kidding me? Don't you have something else better to do? And better yet, who freakin knows that damn rule, but even worse, who enforces it?
Clearly I am now irate. He comes back and I definitely say "what is this?" [with hand motion] to him and he says "I know this seems silly, but I am writing you a citation for this fog light." Of course I have to say something in return. "Are you freakin kidding me? Nobody does that. My dad has been a cop for 28 years and he has never mentioned that much less given one. And I have been living in this city 6 years in Aug and I have never had an issue." His response: "Well you do now."
Asshole. Just let me be on my merry way and let me freakin go to bed.
Now I have to go to court to tell them that I studied up on the random fog lights in the back and that's I'm knowledgable about them. No one does that. So I am going to plead not guilty at the first showing just to have that jackass come to court on his day off for something so petty and realize what a fuck face he is.
Also, things that could have been brought to my attention sooner, apparently my car, ya know the 1990 Audi, has a recall on it. That's right, 16 years later there is a recall on the sensor for the airbags. How does that happen? I guess I can pick up a manual while I'm there.
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