Sunday, September 07, 2008

2008 MTV VMAs - Volume 2

The second half is not much better.  Let's be honest, MTV writers need to figure out new materials to feed their beloved reality show hosts - I know its hard for them to read what they wrote because they are used to being "real" but come on.

1.  What was with Mylie Cyrus' spaz out with Rockband.  Bon Jovi is like triple her age and I'm pretty sure she was stumbling over the words.  And aren't you supposed to be an actress?  What was that shitty rendition you gave us?

2.  Linkin Park.  For those of you who know me, know I have a severe obsession with Linkin Park, but they won an award for the most lame, any band could sing, boring song on their newest album.  Not to mention they won Best Rock Video - That song is a ballad, let's pick one that at least involves the word fuck or something.

3.  SlipKnot.  Whomever thought it was a great idea to put McLovin in a SlipKnot mask and dance around wasted - I commend you.  

4.  Just because Rhianna was a major winner last year doesn't mean she should perform twice.  I mean she did a good job and all, but I would rather like to see Britney embarrass herself, maybe have a wardrobe malfunction or watch Paris get confused (oh wait, that did happen).

5.  Jonas Brothers.  I still don't know what you sing.

6.  Tokio Hotel.  Winner of the Best New Artist award.  Who are you guys?  And are you guys? Girls? Is that hair real?  Is that a lisp or lack of tongue?  And what do you sing?  You are definitely up there with the Jonas Brothers.

7.  Another big win for Brit-Brit.  But didn't you just thank all those people about 2 hours ago?

8.  And another win for Britney.  What are the odds they are trying to give her a come back?  I mean something like 18 nominations and only 3 wins - riiiiiight.  

9.  Russell Brand.  Hmmmm. Well....hmmm.   Go back to the UK.  Fact:  Perez Hilton just called him a sex addict.

Thank god its over.  It was quite possibly one of the worst showings thus far.  I can't wait for 2009.

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