Monday, July 17, 2006

The Units

Weekend Recap:

  • The Units made their first appearance in a year to America's Finest City. They had a good time and lived it up with the Stinky and her posse.
  • Started it off at Tower23 where they got to meet up with quite the posse. Those in attendance: Pooper, Scooper, Smellso, T-Rex, Cuppy, L-Wood, Pooper's Brother, Skin Tag & his posse, Fuscilli and Ninja Star. L-Wood forced my dad, nay all of us, to have chocolate milks with him, Smellso knocked over several beers off the bar and I believe Pooper may have knocked over a draft beer, but that has yet to be determined.
  • The Units, Pooper & Pooper's Brother jumped in a "family" cab to the Sandbar with the rest of us in tow. I would like to point out that the Sandbar manager bought my dad a shot of tequila and a Bud Light and the DJ gave three shout outs to "Christiane's Units," including one specifically going out to Mom Unit ("Naughty Girl") because she was dancing.
  • The Units peaced out early and we stayed dancing and celebrating O Todd's birthday (and yes, he was also in attendance along with Brother Black)
  • The Units had a great time and returned safely back to the 831.
  • Pooper, T-Rex, Kitty, Giggles and I made a Wavehouse appearance yesterday for an attempt at Sunday Funday, but it was so effing hot that we had to leave due to excess sweat.
  • Other than that, slept a lot and made several attempts to meet up with The Pit and Red Baron, to no avail.

Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament makes its return to the Wavehouse tonight at 7PM. I highly recommend being in attendance because it is definitely worth a good laugh.

1 comment:

jwookie said...

C'mon... I need a better nickname than "pooper's brother"...