Wednesday, May 24, 2006


First things first, I have no internet at my house. For whatever reason, it rained and we no longer have a connection to anytime of server anywhere, which is really handy right now considering I need to find a new place to live and such. Also cool, I am connected to the router and everything, but said router is not connected. It's totally demanding a server but refusing to give it to me, and I am not a fan, which is the reason behind why I am writing this blog from the uncomfortable area that is my boss' office.

Speaking of demanding and refusing, Jan has the best demanding and refusing story in the history of the world, but I will leave that for her to tell because only inquiring minds will remember and actually ask. Also, we have added a new one to the list, patient and aggressive. See how you can apply it to a situation, its entertaining.

Speaking of inquiring minds, my boss has one, which has led me to believe that he is really eager to know what I do on my off time. It's somewhat creepy and weird, and T-Rex and the Freaker-Outer say that we have the weirdest relationship, which is completely true. He really don't need to know what I do in my spare time. It's not interesting.

The only thing interesting that has been going on is the rebirth of the tequila train. It has officially demanded my presence and refused to let me off. It picked up Pooper in LA, swung by Wavehouse to get me and really hasn't ceased movement since. I have managed to try many of tequilas as well, which is weird because I didn't even like it two weeks ago. I am going to go ahead and blame peer pressure and Dave Keeney for this one. If it wasn't for the excessive pressure from him, Chris and Cody, I would have never started this insane trend.

Oh yeah, lastly.....

5 points for an animal, leaderboard closes at 10am on Sunday, so get your scores in. Don't forget to get the bonus point, you don't want to fall behind, and kissing is never assumed.

Thank you for you time
Stinky - Out

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