Thursday, May 25, 2006


I have recently found a new quasi-love for downtown. I couldn't do it all the time, however I have done the downtown thing twice this week and I am a fan. It is also exceptionally close to where Pooper is staying, which is really convenient because there is ample parking and its a nice little jaunt home when we are done. Two nights ago the tequila train picked me up at Confidential and dropped me off at Martini Ranch. It was a nice little trip, however I was exceptionally tired the next day. Amazingly, I didn't feel like shit like I have all day tonight.

I was good to go last night, but I think I mixed a little bit too much, which is why my head still hurts at 445PM. Actually that's not true, I wasn't good to go, I was gone. I don't what happened but I think it was the hott bartender at Confidential that slipped me a roofie, just kidding Hoffman, but seriously those two drinks he made me knocked me on my ass. Not to mention everything else I drank: wine, tequila, double vodka tonic, beer, ending with the two mysterious drinks.

On the plus side, X-Men III: The Last Stand comes out tomorrow and I am so stoked to go see it. First showing at Fashion Valley. Don't worry Hoff already bought tickets, the two nerds are getting together to spend some quality nerd time.

Also on the plus side from last night: The George Clinton show we saw at the House of Blues was amazing. Really great performance and there was a guy in a diaper, smoking a joint. What more could you ask for?

1 comment:

Thatguybaker said...

I will take credit for introducing you to the opportunity to see a guy wearing an enormous diaper, playing guitar while smoking a joint.
(pat on back)